Heal with Neil
How my Connection With Animals Started
I was never aware I had a connection with animals until 2014, and since this time I have had some unusual experiences.
A few years back something very strange happened when I visited Lingfield Park races on Sat 7th June 2014 (Flat meeting) one lovely summer afternoon. I was with a group of friends when I noticed one horse in the 4th race called 'No Indication' was not looking right, it was very sad looking and looked in pain.
I made a point of telling the people I was with and advised them, 'if there was one horse today not to put your money on, that was it'
Unfortunately, my feeling turned out to be correct when the horse broke down during the race, was fatally injured and sadly had to be put down.
As you can imagine, this marred a good afternoon seeing this happen to a beautiful animal and it got me thinking as to why no one else spotted this?
After a couple of weeks thinking about what I had witnessed and being upset because I didn't have the confidence to report what I saw, It didn't take me long to realise that maybe I was the only one there who may of spotted this troubled horse. There was something amiss with that poor animal the reason it looked so sad and had such negative body language, yet all the racing officials, jockey's or trainers never reported it and to my amazement the horse was allowed to run.
It was of no coincidence that out of 53 runners that evening, I spotted the only horse that should not have been allowed to run.
So, after realising that I may have some sort of intuition about animals and having quite a few unusual experiences, I decided to learn more about healing and working with them. I am only healing animals & people by doing distant healing now (not being present with them), which is very convenient during the plandemic, so all my work involves sending them distant healing which is more powerful and works much better.
I have some wonderful testimonials and look forward to helping more and more family members as I continue my passion.